
Internationally Recognized Experts in Nuclear Power Named to NuScale Technical Advisory Board

NuScale Power, LLC is further strengthening its design and technology development program with the formation of a Technical Advisory Board comprised of five highly-regarded experts in nuclear plant design, operations, maintenance, regulations and safety.

“These world-class experts will provide extremely valuable assessments and guidance on key features of our advanced technology, plant safety, and our ongoing testing and analysis programs,” said Dr. Jose Reyes, NuScale’s chief technology officer. “NuScale is privileged that they have chosen to play such a vital role in support of our technology.”

NuScale’s technical advisory board members are:

  • Prof. Graham Wallis – Dartmouth Thayer School’s Sherman Fairchild professor of engineering, Emeritus and author of the textbook, One Dimensional Two-Phase Flow. Prof. Wallis served on the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) from 1998 to 2007.
  • Dr. Fred Moody – Member of the National Academy of Engineering and author of the textbook, Introduction to Unsteady State Thermo-fluid Mechanics. Dr. Moody is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) with decades of service at General Electric and San Jose State University.
  • Luis A. Reyes – Former executive director of operations at the NRC. As the Commission’s chief operating officer, Reyes managed the agency’s day-to-day operations, overseeing 3,400 full-time employees and an annual budget of over $900,000,000.
  • John Hosmer – Former chief nuclear officer and vice president nuclear engineering and licensing, UniStar Nuclear Energy, LLC. Mr. Hosmer also served as vice president engineering at Exelon Nuclear. He currently is the chief executive officer of Hosmer Consulting LLC.
  • Robert Coward – Principal Officer and director of MPR, responsible for the direction and performance of MPR in all business sectors. Coward is responsible for leading MPR’s services to the nuclear power sector; worked on more than 100 electric generating plants worldwide. He maintains leadership roles on the Electric Power Research Institute Advanced Light Water Reactor Program, the Department of Energy NP2010 Program, as well as the South Texas Project (STP) 3&4 project to construct two advanced boiling water reactors at the STP site in Texas.

About NuScale Power, LLC

NuScale Power is designing a nuclear steam supply system and nuclear power plant that offers the benefits of nuclear power but takes away the issues presented by installing large capacity. The NuScale design is for a modular, scalable Light Water Reactor (LWR) nuclear power plant system. A nuclear power plant using NuScale’s technology is comprised of individual NSSS modules. Each produces 45 megawatts with its own combined containment vessel and reactor system, and its own designated turbine-generator set. A power plant can include as many as 12 NuScale integral PWR modules to produce as much as 540 megawatts. NuScale power plants are scalable – additional modules are added as customer demand for electricity increases. These multi-module plants are highly reliable – one unit can be taken out of service for refueling or maintenance, or a new unit added, without affecting the operation of the others.
